tape bandage are actually a kind of bandages that prevent people from recurring old injuries or new problems during exercise.
Its materials and usage are different from medical bandages and have good effects.
Why use tape bandage?
1. It can fix joints and muscles more effectively, and the effect can last for 3 to 4 hours.
2. The tape bandage is close to the skin, can correspond to the movements of the joints and muscles, and is not easy to fall off.
3. Good ultra-thinness and fit feeling are very important protective tools for the competitive sports of wearing sports shoes.
4. The type of tape bandage and the method of bandage are easy to master.
5. It can provide the fixation and compression strength of the skeleton and body shape.

What is the effect of tape bandage?
1. Limit the range of motion.
2. It can relieve pain.
3. The pressure can be increased in various parts according to the needs.
4. Artificial ligaments, artificial tendons.
5. Reduce the mental stress of athletes.
Through the above articles, we can find that the use of tape bandage has many benefits and is also very useful, because its adaptability is much better than that of sports protective gear, so the use rate is generally higher than that of sports protective gear.
Rules for the implementation of sports bandages
1. The injured person should be in proper position.
2. The affected limb is placed in an adaptive position, so that the patient can keep the limb comfortable during the dressing process and reduce the patient’s pain.
3. The affected limb should be bandaged in the functional position.
4. The packer usually stands in front of the patient in order to observe the patient’s facial expressions.
5. Generally, when using tape bandage, it should be from the inside out, and from the distal end to the trunk. At the beginning of the bandaging, two ring bandages must be made to fix the bandage.
6. When wrapping, grasp the bandage roll to avoid falling. The tape bandage should be rolled and applied flat to the bandaged area.
7. The pressure should be equal every week when bandaging, and it should not be too light, so as not to fall off. It should not be too tight to avoid circulatory disturbances.
8. Except for patients with acute bleeding, open wounds or fractures, the local area must be clean and dry before bandaging.
9. Rings, gold bracelets and watch necklaces should be removed before dressing.
Wikipedia's explanation of tape bandage