Qu'est-ce qu'un pansement autocollant ?
Self-adhesive bandages are self-adhering sports wraps that stick well to the skin but not the hair. It is commonly used to provide compression, support, and wound dressing. The bandage wrap is self-adhesive and made of non-woven fabric and elastic fiber. The unique weaving method gives the surface an uneven texture and feel. However, because of this texture, the self-adhesive bandage wrap can be stretched to twice its unstretched length, allowing for maximum stretch, which can be a big help when choosing the level of compression needed for your situation. Its colors are also different. For example, black, blue, pink, white, etc., are commonly seen on the market.
Features of self-adhesive bandages
Auto-adhésif, autocollant
Les bandages autocollants ne peuvent adhérer qu’à eux-mêmes et non à vos cheveux.
Haute élasticité
L'élasticité peut être ajustée librement pour s'adapter à la situation requise.
Options de latex
Bandage auto-adhésif Choisissez entre du latex ou sans latex, garanti sûr et hypoallergénique.
Bandage auto-adhésif en tissu non tissé + matériau spandex, confortable et doux pour la peau.
Facile à déchirer
La conception unique du tissu peut être tirée directement à la main ; aucun ciseau n’est requis.
A quoi peuvent servir les pansements autocollants ?
Envelopper une articulation foulée
Utilisez des bandages auto-adhésifs autour des articulations foulées, telles que les chevilles, les genoux ou les poignets, pour maintenir l'articulation foulée soutenue et stable tout en favorisant la récupération des entorses, des tendons et des ligaments, car les bandes de sport auto-adhésives sont douces, poreuses et respirantes. . Il ne rétrécira pas non plus excessivement, ce qui lui permettra d'être porté confortablement pendant de longues périodes.
Protection des sportifs
Bandage wrap self-adhesive are trendy in football due to their high flexibility in use scenarios and have become an excellent alternative to PVC sock tape. Cohesive bandage wrap supports the socks and shin guards, providing extra protection for the goalkeeper’s hands, fingers, and wrists.
Pansements sécurisés
Self-adhesive bandages can also secure wound dressings. Wrap the dressing lightly around the injured area for support and immobilization. If the self-adhering sports wrap accidentally falls off due to external force, it can be reattached if not contaminated with blood, pus, or other body fluids. It is important to note that self-adhesive bandages are not sterile and should not be applied directly to open wounds.
Envelopper le pansement pour animaux de compagnie
Parce que les bandages autocollants pour animaux de compagnie ne collent pas aux poils, ils sont idéaux pour envelopper les animaux. En fait, les bandages adhésifs sont parfois appelés « enveloppement vétérinaire auto-adhésif ». Les vétérinaires utilisent des bandages adhésifs sur les animaux blessés, tels que les chiens et les chats, pour les protéger et les soutenir afin de faciliter leur guérison.
Le bandage vétérinaire autocollant est également couramment utilisé pour envelopper les jambes des chevaux afin de les protéger des impacts.
Prévient les callosités des doigts
Wrap the Cohesive bandage finger around your fingers to protect sore-prone fingers, reduce friction with the pen, and prevent calluses.
Façonner la direction de croissance des plantes
What we know about self-adhesive bandages is that they can be wrapped around objects, but they can also be used to wrap around branches, eliminating the need for complicated fixing with ropes. Cohesive bandage wrap can also achieve good results and help plants grow upward correctly.
Help fix
Fix bandages when reducing swelling of wounds, fix hand guards when infants and young children receive infusions, fix auxiliary materials when bandaging wounds, fix pet water bottles on cages, etc.
The above example is just a summary. Self-adhering sports wraps can be used in many places in our lives. If you want to know more, please get in touch with WEMADE.
A summary of self-adhesive bandage issues
Quelle est la différence entre un pansement auto-adhésif et un pansement adhésif ?
Il existe une différence entre les pansements auto-adhésifs et les pansements adhésifs.
Pansement autocollant
It is a bandage that can stick to itself. There is no obvious trace of glue, but it is self-adhesive. Mainly used as a dressing to fix more extensive wounds
Bandage adhésif
Generally, it refers to a band-aid with a small auxiliary material. There is glue on one side, and the auxiliary material can directly contact the wound. Generally used for more minor wounds. Therefore, self-adhesive bandage wrap often helps wrap larger wound dressings and is an immobilizing support. As long as the bandage is not contaminated, it can be wrapped over the wound dressing repeatedly. Band-Aids are disposable and are used to bandage and treat minor wounds.
Combien de temps durent les bandages autocollants ?
La durée de vie d’une bande de sport autocollante dépend de plusieurs facteurs :
Localisation sur le corps
Cohesive bandage wraps tend to stay on longer in areas that experience less movement, sweating, or friction. Cohesive bandage wraps on joints undergoing high-intensity exercise may remain on for a shorter period than before.
L'humidité résultant d'une exposition prolongée à l'eau ou à la transpiration peut provoquer le desserrage de l'adhésif du bandage.
La qualité des adhésifs de marque
The quality of each Cohesive bandage wrap roll is uncontrollable, and there is no guarantee that every self-adhesive bandage roll will have good results. Some brands produce bandages that are more resistant to moisture and friction than ordinary ones. One of them is WEMADE, a factory specializing in the production of bandages for more than ten years. It has excellent advantages, and the quality control is also quite good.
To ensure good self-adhesive bandage results, we still recommend changing self-adhesive bandages at least every 1-3 days. It should be replaced in time to keep the skin clean even if it is still in place.
Combien de temps peut-on laisser un film vétérinaire autocollant sur un chien ?
Nous vous déconseillons d'utiliser un film vétérinaire autocollant sur votre animal toute la journée ou en continu. Il peut être retiré la nuit pendant que vous dormez, permettant à la zone de se reposer et de se détendre, puis de l'utiliser à nouveau le lendemain.
After reading this article, you should have a new understanding of self-adhesive bandage wrap. If you are facing some of the same problems as this article, trying a bandage may answer your immediate needs.