Therapeutic tape for knee applied to the back of the knee (popliteal area) is a therapeutic technique designed to provide support, relieve pain, improve circulation, and enhance stability to address issues such as hamstring strains, Baker’s cysts, hyperextended knees, or general weakness.

What does it mean when the back of your leg hurts behind the knee?
Pain in the back of the knee can be caused by arthritis or a cyst (called a Baker’s cyst). If you have a noticeable bulge in the back of your knee, it may be because the synovial fluid in the knee joint is being pushed back. At first, the swelling and lump may be noticeable, but as they grow, they may compress nearby nerves, causing pain.
This painful condition may occur if you have an existing condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, knee osteoarthritis, or a meniscus injury. This is also true for people who have overworked their knees.
Simple treatments such as kinesiology tape back of knee and rest can help prevent synovial fluid buildup and reduce inflammation and pain.
What is the therapeutic tape for knee?
Therapeutic tape for knee is an elastic Kinesiologisches Tape for runners knee. It is a standard method for treating knee pain. This elastic kinesiology tape for runners knee is popular with physical therapists and other sports experts. Its structure is relatively simple. It is usually made of 95% cotton + 5% spandex and filled with high-quality hypoallergenic glue such as acrylic glue or Henkel glue, making it safer to use. WIR MACHTEN, as a professional kinesiology tape manufacturer, can provide you with OEM/ODM services and is a good choice for you to choose branded tape.
What are the functions of therapeutic tape for knee?
Pain relief: Therapeutic tape for knee reduces tension in the hamstring tendon or calf muscle by lifting the skin and decompressing pain receptors.
Swelling reduction: Improve lymphatic drainage to treat conditions such as Baker’s cyst or post-injury edema.
Support and stability: Gently stabilize the knee joint without restricting movement, ideal for mild hyperextension or instability.
Muscle activation/relaxation: Therapeutic tape for knee can relax overworked hamstrings or activate weak muscles to improve alignment.
How do you Tape the back of your knee?
First, you need to prepare four lengths of kinesiology tape back of knee to fit the back knee. You can refer to the length shown in the video below. Then use tape scissors to cut the four corners of the tape into rounded corners. Then you can follow the video to apply the tape to the back of the knee. Please attach 50% tension when applying the tape to help the back knee get better support and treatment.
For the treatment of back knee pain, tape therapy is an excellent way to relieve pain and further promote recovery, but the knee is a more complex part of the human body. Due to injury or disease, there may be many problems. Therefore, it is very important to use tape reasonably and scientifically to deal with it. You can follow WEMADE YouTube to get more therapeutic tape for knee videos to provide you with more treatment methods.